What is the Meaning of Church Membership?

What is the Meaning of Church Membership?

WHAT IS THE MEANING OF MEMBERSHIP? Membership springs from baptism, whether that of an infant or an adult. Membership is a sign of God’s profound grace that reaches out and invites us to be part of the Church. Membership is also a public demonstration of commitment to the Church of Jesus Christ, and in particular to the local congregation of which you are a part. Baptism is never repeated but as Christians change congregations, they are encouraged to become members of their new church home.

There are important expectations related to membership. Members are expected to attend worship regularly, support the minister, submit to the care and authority of the session, comply with church law, take a lively interest in the ministry of the congregation and provide for that ministry through generous stewardship. (Book of Forms 139, 141, 155)

There are also important responsibilities related to membership. Members call a minister or approve the sale of church property, for example.

Similarly, members who have publicly declared Christian faith and promised their support for the church, are granted the right and responsibility of serving as elders and electing elders. Our congregations not only embrace members but adherents, too. According to recent figures submitted by congregations, there are approximately 88,000 members and 52,000 adherents connected with 840 congregations across Canada. What is an adherent? The General Assembly adopted definition states that adherents are “… those who associate themselves with a congregation through participation or support without making a formal membership commitment.” (A&P 1989, p. 262)

Congregations are strengthened by adherents who give generously of their time, talent and treasure to the mission and ministry of the church. The whole denomination is blessed by their presence and participation in the life of the church. Nevertheless, it is still a wonderful moment when the adherent takes the step of becoming a member.

Would you like to become a member of Haney Presbyterian Church? Please let Paddy know.