Summer Faith Formation Bingo

Summer Faith Formation Bingo

As our usual faith formation activities wind down for the summer, please consider playing Summer Faith Formation Bingo.

BINGO take home page

(Click above link to access/download PDF)

Who is it for?     
Everyone of all ages.

How does it work?
On your bingo card, there are four categories (Gospel, Community, Missions, At Home) each with four suggested activities.  Throughout the summer complete the activities on the BINGO card.  Try to get four in a row!  Added Challenge:  complete all sixteen squares this summer.

Encourage each other
When you complete an activity, sign your name on the board in the church foyer:  let’s spur each other on.

Printed Copies
Printed copies of the BINGO card are available on the board in the foyer.

Dinner and a Movie
We will wind up our Summer Faith Formation Bingo on Wednesday August 30 with a potluck dinner at 5:30 pm, followed by the movie, The Chosen, Episode 1. 

We hope you enjoy this resource,

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