Due to illness, this week’s service was not recorded. The sermon text is provided here. If you wish to watch a full service, below you’ll find a link to the recording of today’s livestreamed service from Kerrisdale Presbyterian Church in Vancouver.
“Our lives can be cluttered with too many gods. God or gods are whatever comes first in a person’s life. The Old Testament prophet Joshua found it necessary to challenge the Israelites on this business of gods. They were now settled into the Promised Land. Joshua reminded them that centuries earlier God had called their forefather Abraham and challenged him to obey the Lord God who promised to make a great nation from him…. [To read the rest of this sermon, click on its ‘Prepared for Living’ title below]
Prepared for Living
November 12, 2023 livestreamed / recorded service from
Kerrisdale Presbyterian Church, Vancouver, BC
The Rev. Richard Watson