“Living out the compassion of God through Jesus Christ in ourselves, our community and the world”
Where is God calling you to serve?
Haney Presbyterian serves our community and beyond.

Presbyterian World Service & Development is the development and relief agency of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. For almost 75 years, our church has been actively working to serve marginalized and vulnerable people through Presbyterian World Service & Development. While the global context has evolved since PWS&D was first formed, what has not changed is a commitment to Christ’s message of love through justice, poverty reduction and support in times of disaster. Learn more: https://presbyterian.ca/pwsd/

Together we make mission and ministry happen. Presbyterians Sharing is the national church fund that supports mission and ministry in Canada and around the world.
Presbyterians share in a wide range of ministries. Together, we build strong congregations, serve vulnerable people, walk with Indigenous people, seek justice, and share God’s love around the world.
When we put our gifts in God’s hands, God does remarkable things!
Learn more: https://presbyterian.ca/sharing
Although no longer associated with the Presbyterian Church in Canada, the primary mission of the Cariboo House Church Ministry (CHC) continues to be to reach out with the love of Jesus Christ to people who live beyond the traditional church, especially but not exclusively in the rural and remote areas of the Cariboo-Chilcotin region.
Learn more: http://www.cariboohousechurches.ca

Mercy Touch Mission International is a charitable faith-based organization founded in 2001. The ministry is located in Ndola, Zambia with connections around the globe.
We provide education, medical aid, counseling, and family support through the children's homes. We also run various community outreach initiatives, farming for sustainability, business ventures, and a skills development program. Learn more: https://www.mercytouch.net/

Facing an unexpected pregnancy can be confusing and overwhelming, even when you have a strong network of support around you. It’s even harder when you are alone. Our client advocates are here to provide a listening ear. We are available to discuss all the options – adoption, parenting, and abortion – in a caring and respectful manner. Learn more: https://womancarepc.ca/

We support the Salvation Army as they give hope and support to vulnerable people today and everyay in 400 communities across Canada and more than 128 countries around the world. Learn more: https://ridgemeadowssa.ca/

For many years Dr. Roger Page was involved in helping the seasonal migrant workers who come to work on the local berry farms. They face a variety of challenges, and we are glad that we can assist in practical ways – bicycles, clothing, suitcases, etc.

One evening a month HPC’s Community Dinner Team takes its turn working with a team from Golden Ears United Church to prepare and serve simple but hearty, nourishing meals to more than 70 disadvantaged members of our community.
Come for a delicious ‘by donation’ soup and sandwich meal, held in our Sloan Hall at noon on the last Wednesday of each month, September through June.